Boomers represent an untapped and underserved population in need of technological solutions that are innovated with their needs in mind. Zen Media Older Americans continue to follow COVID-19 news more closely than younger adults. (Pew...
Carole Marks with Lisa M. Cini (Hive)Carole Marks with Joe Yogerst (How to Hit the Road)Carole Marks (COVID) Lisa M. Cini provides steps for nursing homes to follow to ensure their residents are protected and comfortable. Buckle up for the road...

Stephen T. Sinatra is a board-certified cardiologist specializing in integrative medicine. He is also a certified bioenergetic psychotherapist. He has published journal articles on cholesterol and coenzyme. Podcast: Play in new window | Download...
Research suggests (and we know from experience!) that older daters are more relaxed and comfortable in their own skin than their younger counterparts. The Best Online Dating Sites for Older Adults Looking for Love Meeting that special someone might...
Ian Anderson has teamed up with his friend, German-Hungarian musician Leslie Mandoki, on a song that honours essential workers during the Covid-19 crisis. We Say Thank You is a dedication to everyone on the frontline, from the doctors to grocery...
Dr. Steven Kussin, physician and a pioneer in the Shared Decision movement, takes readers through the steps of how to avoid the many pitfalls of unnecessary and sometimes even dangerous medical care.The American healthcare system is subsidized by...
Segment 1: Carole Marks with Charles Garfield PhD (Our Wisdom Years: Growing Older with Joy, Fulfillment, Resilience, and No Regrets) Part 1Segment 2: Carole Marks with Charles Garfield PhD (Our Wisdom Years: Growing Older with Joy, Fulfillment...
How can a smartwatch help patients with diabetes manage their disease? Why can’t patients find out prices for surgeries and other procedures before they happen? How can researchers speed up the decade-long process of drug development? How will...
Segment 1: Carole Marks with Chris Ordesa (Attainable Sustainable: The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living) Part 1Segment 2: Carole Marks with Chris Ordesa (Attainable Sustainable: The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living) Part 2Segment 3: Carole Marks...
Segment 1: Carole Marks with Dr. Sunita Puri (That Good Night: Life and Medicine in the Eleventh Hour) Part 1Segment 2: Carole Marks with Dr. Sunita Puri (That Good Night: Life and Medicine in the Eleventh Hour) Part 2Segment 3: Carole Marks with Dr...
Segment 1: Carole Marks with BJ Kittredge (How Seniors Are Saving the World: Retirement Activism to the Rescue!) Part 1 Segment 2: Carole Marks with BJ Kittredge (How Seniors Are Saving the World: Retirement Activism to the Rescue!) Part 2 Segment...
COVID-19 pandemic highlights importance of maintaining healthy routines (Family Features) After a heart attack or stroke, as many as 1 in 4 survivors will have another one. However, lifestyle changes and working closely with your doctor to manage...
Center for Medicare Advocacy Materials NEW – “COVID-19: AN ADVOCATES GUIDE TO MEDICARE CHANGES” (Updated April 29, 2020) Note: shortly after the latest update of this Guide, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a new Interim...
Click Here ! 50 plus taking over TikTok Click Here! TikTok Grandparents Click Here! Old Man Steve Click Here! Tonylongislandny Blood Sweat and Tears Interview with David Clayton Thomas – Blood Sweat & Tears In the...
A Touch of Grey: The Talk Show for Grown Ups has been on the air either locally or in national syndication for more than two decades. It is one of the few radio talk shows openly and unabashedly targeted to addressing the needs and interests of...
1: Carole Marks with David M. Rubenstein (The Carlyle Group)2: Carole Marks with Dr. Jordan Geller (Thyroid Health)3: Michael Harrison with Pamela Garber (Age Discrimination)4: Meg McDonald (Megisms) Meg McDonald is enjoying a second career as...
1: Carole Marks with Kathleen O’Keefe-Kavanos (The Queen of Dreams that Improve Your Health, Wealth, and Relationships) 2: Carole Marks with Kathleen O’Keefe-Kavanos (The Queen of Dreams that Improve Your Health, Wealth, and...
How to survive the digital revolution without getting trampled: your guide to online mindfulness, digital self-empowerment, cybersecurity, creepy ads, trustworthy information, and more. Taking a cue from the famous World War II morale-boosting...
The Rabbit Effect: Live Longer, Happier, and Healthier with the Groundbreaking Science of Kindness