Hippie Inc

“Hippie, Inc.:The Misunderstood Subculture that Changed the Way We Live and Generated Billions of Dollars in the Process

Carole talks to Michael Klassen about his book Hippie Inc – The Misunderstood Subculture that Changed the Way We Live and Generated Billions of Dollars in the Process Hardcover.   Hippie, Inc.: has been nominated for the National Book Award in non-fiction. The book documents a seven-year investigation of the commercial impact of the Haight-Ashbury hippie movement on U.S. business. Dozens of interviews with the women and men who were present before and at the very beginning of one of the most notorious youth movements in American history uncover a community of retail entrepreneurs and product innovators whose productivity in a mere 100-week period (from November 27, 1965 to October 6, 1967) resulted in industries that, collectively, are estimated to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars and to employ millions of Americans.

James LaValle, is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board certified clinical nutritionist, founder of Metabolic

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